John Salcido
ESD 2 Board Vice President
01/01/2024 to 12/31/2025
John Salcido is a Pecos native and proud to call Reeves County his only home. As Board President of Emergency Service District No. 2, his focus for Reeves County is for all residents to establish roots within the community and see its citizens prosper. John believes exceptional healthcare and reliable emergency services is a good way to start. Since retiring from TxDOT after 30 years of public service, he spends his free time serving as a finance committee member for Saint Catherine’s Catholic Church and is treasurer for the Knights of Columbus Council 7720. John also enjoys spending time with his wife, Rosie. Married 38 years, Salcido and Rosie have a son, John Paul, who currently resides in San Antonio. In addition to serving as ESD No. 2’s Board President, John Salcido is the Executive Director of the Pecos Housing Authority and West of the Pecos Apartments. Salcido has been Executive Director of the Pecos Housing Authority since 2012 and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas Housing Association (TxTHA). He is President of the West Texas Council Public Housing Association (WTCPHA) and serves on a national membership committee for the Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA). He is also President of Reeves County Teachers Credit Union.
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